Elk Hunting Packages

We offer both rifle and archery elk hunts in an area consistently known to produce large bulls. 

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Current special draw units for elk hunts: 
Rifle: 426-20
October 25th - November 30th

Archery: 417-21
September - October 19th

Deer Hunting Packages

We offer a general season quality mule deer hunts, as well as a special draw rut.

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General draw for mule deer hunts: 
October 25th - November 16th

Special draw unit for rut mule deer hunts:
November 17th - November 30th

Additional Hunting Opportunities

D3 Outfitters offers expert-guided hunts for mountain lion, antelope (either-sex & doe-fawn), mule deer does,  turkey, and pheasant.

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Antelope (Either-sex)
Special draw unit: 471-20
October 11 - November 9th

B-tag (Doe-fawn) 471-30
October 11 - November 9th

Turkey: OTC Tag
April 15th - May 31st

Pheasant: OTC Tag
October 11th - January 1st

Mountain Lion: OTC Tag
December 1st - April 14th

Elk Hunting Gallery

Deer Hunting Gallery

Fill out the contact form below, and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Interested in Booking a Hunt or Inquiring About Pricing?


Please Note: Filling out this form does not verify your hunt.
You must receive a confirmation from a D3 Outfitters employee in order for your hunt to be certified.

Thank you for showing your interest in D3 Outfitters.

We will be in touch soon.

"This was the best investment I have ever made. Anyone looking to have an amazing hunting experience needs to work with D3 Outfitters!"